
Never Worry About Your Car Bills Again!

Have you heard the exciting news? POMEN is proud to announce our partnership with Direct Lending, the digital lending marketplace platform! As car owners ourselves, we […]

Pening Kepala Tengok Bil Bengkel Kereta?

Ada berita baik! POMEN dengan bangganya mengumumkan sebuah kerjasama dengan Direct Lending, sebuah platform pinjaman digital. Sebagai pemilik kereta, kami faham & kami sendiri telah mengalami […]

Tips Jika Kereta Ditenggelami Banjir

Periksa Paras Air. Perkara pertama yang anda perlu lakukan jika kereta anda ditenggelami banjir ialah periksa paras air dan keadaan kereta anda terlebih dahulu selepas banjir […]

Tips Driving In Bad Weather

According to statistics, there are about 15,000 total of road accidents happen in Malaysia since 2019. Some of the cases happened due to bad weather and […]

6 Perkara Wajib Anda Perlu Buat Sebelum Balik Kampung.

Musim perayaan menjelang tiba. Anak-anak perantauan di kota pasti akan berpusu-pusu pulang ke kampung halaman masing-masing untuk meraikan bersama keluarga tersayang. Sebelum anda balik ke kampung […]

Kereta Tak Boleh Start? 5 Punca Berserta Penyelesaian.

Apabila anda masuk kedalam kereta anda dengan harapan untuk memulakan hari dengan lancar, tetapi anda mendapati enjin kereta anda tidak berfungsi, ia pasti merupakan satu kekecewaan […]
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How Pomen App works ?

Pomen App connect you with the nearby workshops. Since we release our apps on Playstore on October 2018, we have near 100 workshops with 360 mechanics […]

Cyberjaya WTP Graduation

MARii (Malaysia Automove, Robotic & IOT Institute) formerly known as MAI, held the last WTP Graduation for 2018. Held at MARii Auditorium Cyberjaya on 19th December […]

Services Under Pomen App

Request POMEN to help you in car breakdown, tyre punctured, battery problem, jumpstart your car, service and maintain you car like new. Don’t worry all of […]